access 2003 vba if then else

Access 2003 Programming by Example with VBA, XML, and ASP.
access 2003 vba if then else
IsLoaded Property [Access 2003 VBA Language Reference].
Solved: Another 'Else without If' error! - VBA Express Forum.
IF ElseIf Compile Error - Programmer to Programmer Forum.
![In Access, the IIF function returns one of two arguments depending on the evaluation of an expression.. If [Price] > 400 Then result="expensive" Else result ="cheap" End If. This is equivalent to the following IF statement in VBA code.](
Dirty Event [Access 2003 VBA Language Reference].
Jan 3, 2013. Using Win XP Pro, Adobe X, and Access 2003: This code runs thru a few files, then can't find text to be bookmarked (it's there, though). If run.
MsgBox if yes then. need a hint! - Access World Forums.
How to find Access version in code: Is there a way to use VBA code to query Access for the version? I would like to create an If statement that will do one thing for Access 2010 and a different thing for Acess 2003.. Case 14: AccessVersionID = "2010" Case Else: AccessVersionID = "Unknown" End Select.
RecordsetClone Property [Access 2003 VBA Language Reference]. Office 2003 . If you then apply a filter to the form, the Recordset object reflects the filtering. This property is. NoMatch Then MsgBox "Record not found" Else Me.Bookmark.
vbYesNo - Access World Forums.
![In Access, the IIF function returns one of two arguments depending on the evaluation of an expression.. If [Price] > 400 Then result="expensive" Else result ="cheap" End If. This is equivalent to the following IF statement in VBA code.](
Sep 16, 2010. Access VBA Discuss using VBA for Access programming.. Join Date: Dec 2003. Location: , . Posts: 102. Thanks: 2. Thanked 0 Times. ElseIf condition-n Then elseifstatements. Else elsestatements. End If BUT>>>> I get an.
Other than Null, they are all part of the VBA language (Visual Basic for Applications.) Null is a. Function TestObject() Dim obj As Object If obj Is Nothing Then Debug.Print "Yep: an. Print "A is missing" 'never happens Else Debug. Print "A.
Join Date: Aug 2003. Location: Nevada, USA. go to the exit handler anyway. If there was more code, I'd handle it with an Else in the first If/Then block.. If you look up "Dim" in VBA help you'll get more info. Most of us put any.
Controls If Len(ctl.DefaultValue) > 0 then mcolControlsWithDefaults.Add ctl, ctl. Name Else Select Case ctl.ControlType Case acTextBox.
If Dir(strDirectoryPath)<>"" Then True Else: False End if. And seems as this is an Access/VBA forum I thought the answer would answer.