substance abuse axis i diagnosis

substance abuse axis i diagnosis
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) (Encyclopedia of Drugs.
Rates of personality disorders in substance abusers: a comparison.
If a personality disorder is diagnosed along with an Axis I (clinical) disorder, it is very likely that the .. High comorbidity with substance abuse/depression.
[Epidemiological and diagnostic axis I gender differences in dual diagnosis. INTRODUCTION: Dual diagnosis is the co-occurrence of a substance abuse.
For years the psychiatric field has either ignored dual diagnosis (a dual diagnosis was. diagnoses), or treated personality as the underlying cause of substance abuse.. Self-medication of' Axis I disorders, and symptomatic relief of Axis II.

Pratical Management of Pain - Google Books Result.
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) -
Why differences between axis 1 and axis 2 important - Wiki Answers.
Download free ppt files, ebooks and documents about 5 Axis.
Feb 26, 2012. schizophrenia, GAD, MDD, substance dependence -Axis I conditions are roughly analogous to illnesses/diseases in general medicine.
Feb 20, 2013. Dual Diagnosis, also called co-occurring disorders, is a co-morbid condition defined as someone who has both a substance abuse problem as.
The role of childhood abuse in Axis I and Axis II psychiatric disorders.
Personality Disorders.
Clinicians must be well versed in the evaluation, differential diagnosis, and treatment of patients with substance-abuse disorders or other Axis I, II, or III.