wow battlenet forums healing

Atonement healing nerf - Forums - World of Warcraft - Battle.
This forum is here to provide you with a friendly environment where you can discuss all aspects of dealing damage with your fellow World of Warcraft players. ... I would love to main spec dps and would only heal if a gun…”. Home.
Once I've used jab/blackout kick will the zeal buff heal by itself or do I have to keep on using auto attack/jab in order to keep the zeal buff up?
Thrall - Forums - World of Warcraft - Battle.
Healing - Forums - World of Warcraft - Bad Request - Battle.
Looking for healer 3v3 Ally - Forums - World of Warcraft - Battle.
May 13, 2013. 'Will Prayer of Healing still be a party based heal in 5.3 or will it target the party members with the lowest health. In 5.3 patch notes is mentioned.
Official Information Conquest Point Cap Clarification - forum/topic/5723623944 General Guides and Information [PvP Guide] Crowd.
Queued as a Healer, Switched to a DPS. Mad? - Forums - World of.
SPriest off healing - Forums - World of Warcraft - Battle.
Atonement healing bugged in 5.3? - Forums - World of Warcraft.
This forum is here to provide you with a friendly environment where you can discuss all aspects of dealing damage with your fellow World of Warcraft players. ... I would love to main spec dps and would only heal if a gun…”. Home.
wow battlenet forums healing
wow battlenet forums healing
Battlegrounds and World PvP - Forums - World of Warcraft -