brokerage fee ups us

Brokerage Gougers - Ups Brokerage Fees.
UPS Calculate Time and Cost -
CANADIANS: Read before you purchase from the USA!!!: Buying.
I discovered that for items bought from US and shipped via UPS you have to pay additional so-called "custom" or "brokerage" fees. Later I discovered that not all.
Dec 3, 2007.. in the U.S. others say the experience left them cold with hidden fees and. " UPS Customs Brokerage rates and provides payment to Canada.
50 PS Brokerage fee???? - Community - eBay.
UPS Brokerage Fees:The Truth Behind High International Charges.
UPS makes that a very difficult process at the US end to set up though.. @ Conker: It's too late, you'll have to either pay the brokerage fee or.
The package arrived and here is a Brokerage C.O.D. due to UPS for $54.17. What a rip! So far none of my US buyers have complained about brokerage fees-.
How to self clear shipment at CBSA and avoid UPS brokerage fee.
UPS Customer Service Complaint (Canada): Lie about brokerage fee.
50 PS Brokerage fee???? - Community - eBay.
50 PS Brokerage fee???? - Community - eBay.
Sep 15, 2010. United Parcel Service (UPS) is used by many people across Canada to import goods from United States. UPS charges very high brokerage fee.