can you run apache and iis on the same server

Using Apache With Novell NetWare - Apache HTTP Server.
On Windows, Apache is normally run as a service on Windows NT, 2000 and XP. . You can then use your browser to connect to the server and view the test page in the. of Apache or some other web server already bound to the same Port.
apache2 - How do I make Apache Web Server listen on two different.
Forget what your Mother told you, IIS and Apache CAN be Friends.
Jun 21, 2012. Running Apache and IIS on the same web server might seem like. At this point you might be asking why on earth I would want to do this at all.
When you do so, other sites that are hosted by the same server are affected. When you use IIS, each Web site is treated individually. As a result, you can start.

Set Up a Web Server - Roksbox.
VirtualHost Examples - Apache HTTP Server.
httpd, the Apache HTTP Server - Version Control with Subversion.
can you run apache and iis on the same server
Upgrading to 2.2 from 2.0 - Apache HTTP Server.“Port 80 in use” is a common but frustrating error that can catch a new web. When you try to start Apache web server on your machine, you get the following error:. you want to run say, Apache and IIS on the same machine at the same time.
If you run Tomcat on a machine other than the one used for Apache you .. As you can see, the beginning of this configuration file is the same as seen in the.
can you run apache and iis on the same server
Adobe Flash Media Server 4.5 * Configuring Apache HTTP Server.
Jan 19, 2006. You can not have two services offered on the same ip and port numbers. On the same server, different services (IIS and Apache) need a unique.
Serving the same content on different IP addresses (such as an internal and. You want to run a web server for and on this machine.. You can put entries in your hosts file for local testing, but that will work only from. The above configuration is what you will want to use in almost all.
Jun 18, 2009. I'd like an Apache Web Server I have installed at home to listen on port 80 and .. Assuming linux run netstat -lntp as root as you can see if apache is. Potential problems with using Nginx and Apache on the same server?